Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bending The Web

A while ago I downloaded this book called "Bend The Web." and it sat on my computer for some time while I went about with my network marketing plan.

Well, not so much as plan as it was just doing the same old thing all other network marketers do. Which is:
  • Finding prospects.
  • Interviewing prospects.
  • Finding customers.
  • Etcetera etcetera.
This is all fine and dandy if you want to succeed in network marketing, I suppose but I kept thinking that there must be a better way.

Here I was with a great product that anyone could use and a great opportunity for people who want to start their own business on the Internet and I was chasing after people with my offer.

This is not the way it is supposed to be, I thought.

People should be coming to me because they want what I have to offer.

So tonight I was cleaning up my desktop and I came across :"Bend The Web" again. Something told me that this was going to be a good one so I decided to print it out and take a break from my computer and read it.

Well, it was the best free download I'd ever come across because it explained to me how to accomplish what I knew deep down inside I could be doing.

I am a very social person by nature which makes Network Marketing a perfect industry for me. "Bend The Web" is about people in a niche getting together and promoting each other which then results in better search engine rankings for all of us. It is the best idea I've heard in a long time.

I want to know if any other affiliates marketers out there have read this book. If not, you should go download it at .

These are some forward thinkers if I ever saw any.

My dream is for all the affiliate marketers who have a great product to come and bend the web with me. We're really all in this together no matter what you've been told. Maybe you think that we're all in competition together but there's a big enough pie out there for each of us who are genuinely serious about building their network marketing business to each have a nice slice of that pie.

Network marketing works when we work together. My network marketing company is full of great people who help each other out. We all have our strengths and weaknesses so we rely on each other to make it work.

Anyone who knows me, knows how much of a perfectionist I am.

I have 2 websites out there now that I keep changing because I get new ideas all of the time. Tonight I was talking to the very first person who joined my list. He joined me back when I started out as a plug in profit site and has been with me ever since.

He's stuck in there through 3 autoresponders and I don't know how many different website designs. now, he's ready to join me in my network marketing business. He understands the value of the company and the product itself and has been through the time wasting trials of joining free programs that have no value and no commitment just as i have.

I want to quote Richard Kall now who is a famous Network Marketer he says "There will be people who will dissappoint you, and people who will surprise you. Don't let that throw you. You are the most important person in your group. As long as you believe in the products and the company, then put your blinders on and go for it."

I have read some blogs saying that VM direct is a scam but guess what I think. I think that it's the best network marketing company I've ever seen so far. It's got all of the ingredients that are neccessary to succeed.
  1. A great product.
  2. Great people behinnd the company.
  3. Training.
  4. A lucrative compensation plan that is attainable to even the least experienced Internet marketers.
  5. Support in every way.
You see, I actually use the product that I'm promoting every single day. I am able to talk to my best friend in Florida like I was sitting right there with her. I'm able to talk to my family members no matter where they are and I'm able to use the streaming video studio to promote my business.

How many network marketers out there who are marketing on the Internet have ever wished that they could've been talking to someone face to face instead of through text? Well, I can and it makes all the difference.

Anyway, I seem to have gone off on a tangent and gotten off the subject of "Bending The Web." Just do me a favor, anyone who is serious about building your network marketing business, go read the book "Bend The Web."

After you read it, you'll understand what I mean when I say that there is a better way to succeed in Network Marketing or any other type of Internet based business.

Sheree, The Newbie Advocate.

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