Friday, November 23, 2007

Newbie Tips now on the blog.

The Newbie Tips Come To Blogger

Just a quick little story about this blog...

I am a very busy home business entrepreneur. Not only do I have my network marketing business,
but I maintain 2 websites that are aimed at helping people who wanted to get started with an Internet home based business. The reason I keep these 2 sites up is because I have a mission. You can read more about that mission at my successful start blog.

Anyway, I haven't really been keeping up with my blogs like I'd like to because I have so much going on, but I've decided that I'm going to publish some of my newbie tips newsletters here on the blog.

The reason for the format changes that I've been making is the research I've been doing on Web 2.0. I absolutely adore the idea of such a user friendly Internet. So, I would like to pass on to my subscribers how to build not just a website, but a whole Internet empire for themselves.

In order to do that I need to practice what I preach and get over here and post all the time.

I'm not one of those marketers who pre-programs the autoresponder with a bunch of outdated tips. I like to really keep up on what's happening and what works and pass it on. I was recently in the process of reformatting the newsletter, some of it into video format. I had a very unfortunate computer meltdown and lost everything. I couldn't even use a browser, it was bad.

But, I'm back online and computer's fine. I even got some new stuff and made it better. So I'm back at my mission to save at least a few newbies from death by guru. I want to give people hope for their home business start up before they try the very promising "systems" out there and get discourages when nothing happens.

So, this is part of the new changes that are being made to the dynamic of Lets Start Earning and The Newbie Business Center. I'm not going to post everything on here because that wouldn't be fair to my subscribers. But, if you like the stuff you see on the blog, you can subscribe here. But I think that this will prove to be a great strategy and a good model for my readers to follow.

I'm now going to add a second part to my webmaster's course which will teach the Web 2.0 business building model. I can't wait to see what they think about it.

I keep mentioning Web 2.0 so I think that I should mention that I also am putting some parts of my newsletters on video as well. I think that some people like to read and some would rather watch a video to get the information so I'm going to do a bit of both. Plus, with video I can be a real person rather than just another website.

That is the core of what I teach my readers.
  • Market Yourself.
  • Stand Out.
  • Be Creative.
  • Be Visionary.
Don't ever think that an idea is silly or won't work. If you think it feels right, go for it. Do you think that I wasn't scared when I decided to put myself out there for the world to see? I was terrified. Some people are going to think I'm full of hot air and some people will have similar views and share my vision. All that matters is that I went out and did it and I am achieving what I had hoped to achieve. That's what I want my readers to do...

Go For It With All Your Heart!

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