Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What is "Link Bait and How Do I Create It?"

This is a cool term that I picked up in an intense Webmaster's forum. I

fancy myself a reasonably talented SEO marketer. I've never used Google

Adwords or any other PPC advertising and I'm well-schooled on

traditional as well as Web 2.0 search engine optimization strategies.

I can definitely say that Web 2.0 methods are a lot easier and a lot

more fun than the tedious traditional methods.

What is the #1 thing that you need to get higher rankings in the search


Backlinks to your site.

The more links to your site, the better your rankings, in a nutshell.

There are of course other factors such as the linking site's pagerank,

whether or not it's a reciprocal link, and the anchor text used--just

to name a few of the biggies.

So what exactly is this "link bait" and how do you make it?

Link bait is the kind of content that makes people want to link to it

naturally. No link trading, nothing in return. Just content so good

that people just want to be connected with it somehow.

So how do you create this kind of content that we call link bait? Well,

you can give them what they were looking for such as news and solid

information. If you become known as a reliable source of information,

people will link to you whether they use your articles, link to you

from their blogs, or bookmark you in the social bookmarking sites for


Another way to create link bait is to stir your reader's emotion. Make

them laugh, make them angry, scare them. Post the kind of content that

makes people say: "Did you read so and so's article? I can't believe

she said THAT!"

Create a controversy, if you can back up what you're saying on the

matter. Go against the grain. It's ok to have your own opinions. As

long as they're well-founded, you should tell the world about them.

That is what the "new web" is all about.

Now go start a commotion or share your wealth of knowledge and create

some instant link bait.

Sheree Motiska is a single WAHM. She is experienced in the world of

affiliate marketing and network marketing and shares her knowledge at

How To Build A Business Online and

Affiliate Marketing Newbies.

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